Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mody Almighty? I Should Have Built an Ark

Last week during the big storm, it appears that the rainfall was too much for old BH-BL High School to handle. It caused massive flooding in Ms. Murray's room, which is located right above my classroom. Once her room was sufficiently saturated, water poured down the walls and through the ceiling of "the One-One-Seven" destroying most of my ceiling tiles, about 125 books for various courses I teach (but the new UHS Mythology texts avoided destruction) and one bookshelf. In addition, three of my personal computer monitors were ruined, my surround sound speakers and some of my personal texts from my own library are no longer functional. The good news is that the school's insurance will replace all of the school's damaged property so I should have text books for the fall. The bad news is that all of my personal property is not covered so it is a loss. I am very thankful that I moved the actual computer units, printers, scanner, and DVD player to a secured location. Thankfully, it appears that it "rained" around the ceiling mounted projector and that it still works.

Also destroyed were Writers' Workshop Portfolios that were not picked up at the end of the year. I was planning on handing them out to students in the fall, but they were totally wrecked. As of now, I only lost one poster, Hotel Rwanda (although many of my quotes up on the wall were trashed).

That is it for now. I did an initial survey of destruction on Friday and have to go in Monday after I complete a day with the Transition Team (from 7:30-3:30) and complete a total damage inventory. I apologize to anyone who lost his or her portfolio. I tried to sift through to separate them, but it was a lost cause.

I will post pictures on Monday.

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